Which Will Change First for the Arab Minority in Israel’s Job Market: Discrimination or Culture?

By Mohammad Darawshe (for Safe Democracy)

Mohammad Darawshe analyzes the relatively low percentage of Arabs in the Israeli work force and proposes two possible causes: a generally prejudiced Israeli society or certain Arab traditions that prevent educated young people from reaching their full potential. He explains that the Israeli economy would benefit from making better use of its university-educated Arab citizens. He notes that stereotyping and segregation on both the Arab and Jewish parts will only make the situation worse, and asks which factor, if not both, will change first- the Jewish-Arab discrimination or Arab culture?


Sarkozy and Relations with Spain

Why Madrid and Paris Are Growing Closer

By Sagrario Morán (for Safe Democracy)

Sagrario Morán writes on how Sarkozy‘s victory will be good for the PP, bad for the PSOE, and important in bringing Madrid and Paris closer in their cooperation against the terrorism of ETA and Al Qaeda.

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Brussels’ role in the Middle East after the Winograd Report

Europe’s Time to Shine?

By F


On the Jewish presence in Iranian history

The Resurgence of Ultra-Nationalism

By Arshin Adib-Moghaddam (for Safe Democracy)

Arshin Adib-Moghaddam writes on the Western incentive to demonize Iran in its media in order to justify the possible use of military force. Reviewing Iran‘s history with the Jewish people, Adib-Moghaddam points out that Ahmadinejad‘s attempt at historical revisionism is a consequence of the resurgence of ultra-nationalism. In Adib-Moghaddam‘s opinion, now more than ever it is necessary that we all work on debunking historical distortions and building an inclusive dialogue that cuts across cultural barriers.


Neo-Nazism in Russia

By Martin Varsavsky

Martin Varsavsky analyzes the recent surge of neo-Nazism in Russia and highlights the irony that many people in Russia, the country hit hardest by the Nazi regime in the Second World War, are now adopting that same fascist ideology. Varsavsky offers that a main cause for this phenomenon is a European identity crisis that has particularly affected Russia, where a lack of options has left a sector of young people vulnerable to this violent and xenophobic movement.


The Davos Forum in Santiago, Chile

Lula, the star of energy and integration

By Ricardo Israel Z. (for Safe Democracy)

Ricardo Israel Z. explains the issues debated at the regional summit of the Economic Davos Forum: energy, China, world economic growth, biofuel, and public finance. In Israel Z.‘s opinion, the regional summit was useful, but not groundbreaking.


Rafael Correa: A New Ecuador?

A hundred days of the “same democracy”

By Juan Pablo Morales Viteri (for Safe Democracy)

Juan Pablo Morales Viteri analyzes the socio-political scenario in Ecuador, a hundred days after the election of Rafael Correa. In Viteri‘s opinion, the creation of a Constituent Assembly is not enough; true democracy depends on an absolute respect for human rights.

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A Red Card for Ehud Olmert

The Winograd Report reveals devastating information on the war in Lebanon

By Mario Sznajder (for Safe Democracy)

Mario Sznajder believes that the preliminary report from the Winograd Commision es a red card not only for the prime minister, Ehud Olmert, but also for Israel‘s political class as a whole.


Segolene Royal versus Nicolas Sarkozy

The future of France depends on the center

By Miguel Angel Benedicto (for Safe Democracy)

Miguel Angel Benedicto analyzes the Presidential elections now in their second round in France. As the conservative Nicolas Sarkozy competes with lefitist Segolene Royal for the Presidency, the victor will depend heavily on the votes of the 18 percent of the electorate who supported centrist Francois Bayrou. In Benedicto’s opinion, whoever wins will have to deal with economic recession, and carry out the necessary reforms to help France recover from the impasse that has been slowing its growth since 1997.