The United States: the party’s over…now what?

The domestic challenges (the first part)

Posted by , 27th November 2008

asesoresobama.jpgUnemployment, fiscal and union reforms, immigration policies, respect for human and civil rights…these are some of the domestic challenges that Obama faces. What he proposes during these transition months will be key for the future of the American economy and society.


The G-20’s prescription: reform, not a break with the past

Understand the general conclusions of the economic summit in Washington

Posted by , 27th November 2008

cumbrewash.jpgWith the overblown headlines and triumphant images having just faded away, it is necessary to analyze in detail the general strategy and tactical work plan to come out of the global summit held to calm the financial chaos and the global recession.


Barack Obama, the dream chaser

The new leadership, or managing differences

Posted by , 27th November 2008

publicobama.jpgThere is a moderate presidency in store for the United States, one that will pursue gestures of solidarity more so than confrontation, but will also be marked by very controversial decisions to face up to the changes in the national and international economic, financial, and political systems.

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As long as the global economy continues to collapse, Latin America will decline

How the crisis that began in Wall Street will affect the continent, country by country

Posted by , 27th November 2008

cobrechile.jpgLatin American pensions have lost between 15 to 20 percent of their value. Income from the exportation of raw materials is shrinking. SME’s are having difficulties accessing new markets. Layoffs are occurring left and right. In spite of governmental efforts, the world crisis will continue to swallow up Latin America’s achievements.


Taoism: “The Way” for climate action in China?

An ancient faith tradition goes green in the pollutive Asian giant

Posted by , 25th November 2008

contaminacionbeijing.jpgIn late October, Taoist masters from all over China gathered near the ancient capital of Nanjing to agree on a seven-year plan for climate change action. Meanwhile, the 11 major religions in the world are all coming up with multi-year plans for climate action. The author wonders if this could tip the scales in favour of decisive climate action in China and beyond.


Obama, caught between promises and reality

What must the president elect of the United States do in order to avoid an economic meltdown?

Posted by , 20th November 2008

obamajlmart.jpgObama is banking on dialog and change. There will be reforms, but not those that many are imagining. The permanent and changing reality will impose a pragmatic agenda that will go beyond his good intentions.


The G-20 and the international financial crisis

Have we been sentenced to capitalism, or is this an opportunity for complete change?

Posted by , 20th November 2008

crisisburbuja.jpgThe author says that, while many people are expecting the current world crisis to lead to the sounding of capitalism’s death knoll, others will try to look for new ideas to revive the market pull, improve and innovate, and promote the creation of wealth.


Where will the next conflicts take place?

From the (happy) American unipolarity to a world filled with uncertainties

Posted by , 20th November 2008

mundoxxi.jpgThe twenty first century has brought with it an outlook very different from the one of happy optimism present in the 1990s; we are looking at a new phase of power redistribution, in which there are already points of possible conflict among the hegemonic powers.


The G-20: Spain’s opportunity

Strengthening foreign policy, a task that cannot be put off

Posted by , 20th November 2008

zpgveinte.jpgRodríguez Zapatero’s participation in the G-20 summit in Washington provides Spain with an excellent opportunity to leave behind its inferiority complexes and convince the world that the country can play an important role on the global level, through the contribution of ideas, commitment, and leadership.