Which Will Change First for the Arab Minority in Israel’s Job Market: Discrimination or Culture?

By Mohammad Darawshe (for Safe Democracy)

Mohammad Darawshe analyzes the relatively low percentage of Arabs in the Israeli work force and proposes two possible causes: a generally prejudiced Israeli society or certain Arab traditions that prevent educated young people from reaching their full potential. He explains that the Israeli economy would benefit from making better use of its university-educated Arab citizens. He notes that stereotyping and segregation on both the Arab and Jewish parts will only make the situation worse, and asks which factor, if not both, will change first- the Jewish-Arab discrimination or Arab culture?


On the Jewish presence in Iranian history

The Resurgence of Ultra-Nationalism

By Arshin Adib-Moghaddam (for Safe Democracy)

Arshin Adib-Moghaddam writes on the Western incentive to demonize Iran in its media in order to justify the possible use of military force. Reviewing Iran‘s history with the Jewish people, Adib-Moghaddam points out that Ahmadinejad‘s attempt at historical revisionism is a consequence of the resurgence of ultra-nationalism. In Adib-Moghaddam‘s opinion, now more than ever it is necessary that we all work on debunking historical distortions and building an inclusive dialogue that cuts across cultural barriers.


Pope Benedict XVI, Islam and its Interpretation


Arshin Adib-Moghaddam explains how the recent remarks made by Pope Benedict XVI, linking Islam to violence, both show a lack of regard for the heightened sensitivity on both sides of the cognitive divide, as well as establish a new exclusionary discourse, simplifying and falsifying complex issues. Although the Pope claimed to be adhering to the standards of reason and scholarly discourse, his comments have not helped to render Islam in anyway more comprehensible or accessible, and have only ignored the complex multifarious and multi-dimensional imminence of Islam in international society. In Adib-Moghaddam‘s opinion, in order to truly establish a scholarly discourse based upon reason, we must be certain to avoid all religious and political bias, and take on the exploration of complex and unfamiliar territory in an open way.