Sohail Mahmood discusses the achievements and failures of the Musharraf regime in Pakistan over the last seven years. Although the government claims to be democratic, Pakistan lacks many of the principal institutions, processes, and structures necessary for the democratic rule of law. In Mahmood‘s opinion, while the Musharraf regime has instituted some very positive, liberal policies to promote constructive change in Pakistan, the Pakistani people are still disappointed with his government. Musharraf is an authoritarian leader governing a people that yearn for true democracy. Many challenges lie ahead for the Musharraf regime in the coming years.
Sohail Mahmood is the Associate Dean of the Department of International Relations at Preston University in Islamabad. With a Ph.D. in Political Science from Northern Arizona University, he is one of the leading experts in the world on Musharraf and Pakistan and has published dozens of books and articles on the issue.
DESPITE THE ONGOING RHETORIC OF PROGRESS AND QUALITATIVE, POSITIVE CHANGE IN PAKISTANI DEMOCRACY, after seven years in power, it is becoming clear that the Musharraf regime is here to stay. Democracy is just a façade in Pakistan, a piece of propaganda to hide the fact that the country continues to be ruled by an authoritarian regime.
But Musharraf’s rule is different from other military regimes of its kind. It has avoided the same repressive tactics familiar to government throughout the Middle East, and has often adopted genuinely liberal policies. This is not to condone military, authoritarian rule, but in all frankness, the government in Pakistan could be a whole lot worse.
Musharraf has accomplished many positive goals in his time as leader of Pakistan. He has succeeded in successfully subduing Al-Qaeda and its affiliates in the country; he has completed several large physical infrastructure projects; he has helped to empower women through increased female presence in federal and provincial legislatures, local councils, and other government agencies; and he has supported an increasing amount of freedom in the press, allowing for some strong criticism of government policies and actions.
The economy in Pakistan is also showing signs of significant growth. The GDP and per capita income are on the rise, along with record increases of revenue nation-wide. And foreign investment has begun to pour into the economy as certain sectors, telecommunications, banking, manufacturing, and private health and education services, improve and adapt. Despite the fact that he is an authoritarian leader, Musharraf has also stimulated some successful decentralization and devolution of power and authority down to more regional levels.
Yet, there is still a lot of room for improvement. On a more negative side, Pakistan still lacks a constitutional government and rule of law to provide for the creation of genuine democratic institutions, processes, and structures. Corruption and political instability, as well as the deterioration of all respect for human rights, continue to plague the nation. And as officials spend more and more money on defense (whose spending has now reached an all time high) they are continuing to misallocate resources away from the social sectors of society that need funding the most.
The fight against terrorism, sectarian strife, and the crisis in Baluchistan also continue to cause many problems for the growth and progress of democracy in the nation. Rather than address the problems in a well thought out manner, military force continues to be the means, further fueling the cycle of violence. And in addition to all of these problems, the Pakistani economy still faces GOP budget deficit, inflation, and weak regulation of private enterprise.
Many challenges lie ahead for the Musharraf regime. The promises made by the GOP remain unfulfilled. National discord, political disunity, and poor provincial relations in Sindh, the North West Frontier Province, and Baluchistan continue to be some of the biggest problems in need of solutions.
And after so many years of authoritarian rule, the people of Pakistan are growing restless. There is much disappointment over the performance of the Musharraf government, as well as agitation over the negative impact of continued military rule. The desire for democratic leadership, and improvement in the quality of life in Pakistan is on everybody’s mind.
Published by:
Dr.M.Qasim Rind
date: 21 | 09 | 2006
time: 1:23 pm
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I am gone through an article about 7 years of Musharaf in Pakistan written by Dr sohail.
Democracy is with institutions and constitution. when there is no constitution and Law then there is marshal law. There is no value of man in this country. Nawab Akber Bugati was killed cruly. He was not crimnal. This country need a real democracy and rule of law.
Published by:
B. A. Malik
date: 22 | 09 | 2006
time: 3:16 pm
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Democracy in Pakistan
A debate on democracy is going around the world including Pakistan Pakistani experience is unique because this country has witnessed many experiments in democracy such as basic democracy ,Islamic democracy ,controlled democracy ,genuine democracy and now essence of democracy .Who is responsible for the failure of a democratic system here also remains a controversial question. .As the army has ruled the country most of the time since independence major responsibility for the impugned failure must therefore be borne by the garrison.
The problem of defining democracy has persisted since 1947 in Pakistan Democracy is not a static product .It is a process which if allowed without interruption can lead to a normal democratic order in due course of time. While I do not consider politicians completely free from the blame Generals Ayub ,Yahya, Ziaul Haq and Musharraf have played havoc with the political development of the state and it’s institutions.
Ayub abrogated the constitution of 1956 and introduced his own version which he himself dismantled by handing over power to another General. Yahya Khan failed to reverse the decay thanks to his ignorance of political issues He left and took away half of the country with him.
Zia appeared on the scene as a self annointed soldier of Islam and messed up the constitution of 1973 which he had sworn to uphold..Pakistan is still trying to recover from the blunders generously committed by Ziaul Haq.
Musharraf in violation of his oath to the fundamental law of the land toppled the political government seven years ago.He has broken all records of “performance” set by his three oath breaking predecessors .There are many achievements to the credit of General Musharraf which are briefly noted below:
In the political field Musharraf has destroyed whatever was left over by Zia.He has broken political parties at his will and introduced a culture of lota cracy where no principles and values are relevant. There is no constitution and rule of law anywhere in the land of the pure.The name of his game is survival of the fittest in the jungle called Pakistan.His enlightened moderation means the supremacy of the military over the civilian institutions of the state.He has skillfully exploited the war on terror to perpetuate his rule in the footsteps of Ziaul Haq who exploited Soviet invasion of Afghanistan to theocratize the country and turn Jinnah’s Pakistan upside down .His seven point agenda which rationalized and sanctified his take over has already disappeared into thin air.
In the economic field the people were never as poor as they are today contrary to the statistical claims of the regime .Transparency International has classified the regime as the most corrupt in the history of Pakistan.
In the social field there is more extremism today than ever before in the entire life span of this country.
With the Parliament turned into a rubber stamp ,the higher judiciary under oath of allegiance to the army chief ,with the democratic forces perpetually at the receiving end and with godfather of democracy G W Bush four squares behind military rule in Pakistan the norms of democracy are no longer applicable to this nation of 160 million people.
The west is supporting one man rule in a bid to fight terrorism .This is akin to putting the cart before the horse .Fighting the threat of terrorism with the weapon of dictatorship has always been and will always remain counter productive Human Rights Watch has also stepped in to urge Bush to stop Musharraf from pulverizing the civilized character of the state of Pakistan.
Those who are talking of safe democracy are missing the real point. Democracy does not need adjectives A country is either democratic or undemocratic .There is no middle ground. Pakistan needs a normal democratic set up as defined in the west..Double standards of the west however have placed Pakistan in an unenviable situation .
It may take quite a while to liberate Pakistan from the shackles of “enlightened dictatorship” and “safe” democracy .
A bad democracy after all is far better than a good dictatorship This is the most fundamental principle which has nurtured and matured democracy in the west. Why should Pakistan be an exception to this yardstick? This is the vital question which I want to ask the champions of “safe” democracy.
Published by:
B A Malik
date: 27 | 09 | 2006
time: 10:06 am
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In my opinion Ayub Khan,Yahya Khan,Ziaul Haq and Pervez Mushararf have done the greatest harm to the political,constitutional and social infrastructure of Pakistan.We need urgently to change course and ensure that Gen Musharraf is the last military ruler of this country.We have no alternative to democracy as we all love this land.
Time is running out . I hope others will join me to help correct the suicidal direction of the ship of state trying to float in high stormy waters .Tme willl pass and we shall sink if necessary precautions are not taken Today.
Published by:
B A Malik
date: 27 | 09 | 2006
time: 12:03 pm
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Please define democracy before a fruitful debate can take place in this forum.If democacy can not be defined there is no point in debating it’s successes and failures.
Published by:
Afreen B
date: 04 | 04 | 2007
time: 12:42 am
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I completely agree that Musharraf is by far the most Intelligent, Progressive and Honest leader we have had.
Under him Pakistan has progressed. When he took over Pakistan was on the verge of bankruptcy. Now we have Foreign reserves above $13 billion. The rupee has been stable to 59-60 since he took over. The GDP growth of Pak is 7%.
It took 20 years (1980 —1999) to add $ 3.5 billion exports. But it took only 5 years (2000-2004) to add $ 4.5 billion.
The rate of growth in Pakistan Large Scale Manufacturing (LSM) is at a 30-year high. Construction activity is at a 17-year high.
There is 26.2 percent growth in Industrial sector of Pakistan.
Country’s Software Exports for the first time crossed $72 million.
Musharraf will setup 9 World Class; Science and Technology Engineering Federal Universities by 2008 with Foreign assistance.
In 1999 what we earned as GDP: we used to give away 64.1 % as foreign debt and liabilities. Now in Musharraf’s tenure 2006, what we earn as GDP: we give ONLY 28.3 % as foreign debt and liabilities. Now we are SAVING 35 % of Our GDP for economic growth.
According to Economic Survey 2005. Poverty in Pakistan in 2001 was 34.46%. And, now after 7 years of Musharraf; Poverty in 2005 was 23.9%. Poverty DECREASED by 10.56%. Overall, 12 million people have been pushed out of Poverty in 2001 -2005!
Literacy rate in Pakistan has increased from 45% (in 2002) to 53% (in 2005).
Why shouldn’t we support Musharraf?
This military man has succeeded in giving PAK, what democracy couldn’t give in 50 years.
What alternative do we have of Musharraf? Corrupt politicians who have only looted the country under disguise of democracy?
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date: 04 | 04 | 2007
time: 12:45 am
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From 15,000 Sou Motu Cases; it’s AMUSING to know that the CJP Iftikhar Chaudhry was selecting only those cases that were directed at the Government only. Why?
It proves those theories; that the CJP was being used by a Opposition party. They manipulated the CJP to provoke the government. They knew that after 2-3 months of provoking, the government would re-act; and then the opposition parties will get to politicize the matter, before the elections.
Also, regarding the mis-use of power by the CJP. If the TOP MOST Authority of Justice, himself resorts to injustice…. what have the Public to expect from Courts?
CJP was using 6 Corollas, a Mercedes, a BMW and had his son C-Grade passed admitted to a Medical college and also had him appointed 18 Grade Officer. He used to pressurise the PM secretariat to avail all these favors; while threatening the Government to open cases against them if they did not oblige.
Selecting cases ONLY against the government out of 15,000 Sou Motu cases proves this!
Also, regarding the Opposition. Has Nawaz Sharif forgotten how he and his brother stormed & ransacked the Supreme Court on 28 November 1997? How Nawaz forced Sajjad Shah to sideline and replaced him?
How Benazir by-passed 2 Senior Judges to make Sajjad Ali Shah the CJP?
Musharraf adopted a proper course. If the CJP was being USED by the opposition parties; then he should have been removed!
A Position of TOP MOST Integrity as CJP requires someone NEUTRAL and HONEST without indulging in Blackmailing to gain personal benefits.
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date: 16 | 06 | 2007
time: 2:12 pm
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If present militiary government has contributed a “little” in the development of this poor state, that is’nt something amazing since every government use these baits as deception in fact for their own survival. I ask had not Nawaz government gave Pakistan “motorway” or had’nt he done any thing making Pakistan a nucleur power? but was that enough to compansate the miserable condition of the country. The answer will be definitly no. So we as true pakistani can not compromise over our identity and we should not accept the “hollow” and “vague” concept of “enlightened moderation” at the expence of our religion and our identity.
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buy zithromax
date: 08 | 09 | 2009
time: 3:42 am
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