The “Check” of Al Qaeda to Europe Continues
Ayman al Zawahiri looks to expand his jihad against Europe
The revolt of Muslim children who gambled for a European paradise confirms difficult integration and the undeniable existence of hundreds of sleeper cells in
AL QAEDA’S SECOND-IN-COMMAND, Ayman Al Zawahiri surprised
“According to Europol, in 2007 Al Qaeda distributed through the Internet more guerrilla manuals and propaganda than in previous years”
Al Zawahiri used an Internet page to post his diatribes against the West. He especially emphasized the necessity of mobilizing the
Curiously, not even 48 hours before the intervention by Bin Laden’s deputy, the ministers of Interior and Justice of the European Union were meeting in
“The supposed jihadists detected by the security services of the French, Germans, Belgians, or Bulgarians are citizens of the said countries”
Interesting detail: the radicals are publishing documents in western languages such as English, French, or German. But it is not a question of an attempt to get closer to European public opinion, but purely and simply a new strategy destined to attract Muslims belonging to the second or third generation of immigrants, who do not know even rudimentary Arabic.
In effect, many potentials candidates for the Euro-jihadist career come from families integrated into the societies of their respective countries.
The rebellion of the children who gambled for European paradise confirms, on the one hand, the difficult integration of these in the western society, and also the undeniable existence of hundreds of sleeping cells in numerous countries of
“The conflicts in
Even though many of the suspects detained in 2007 by the European forces of public order come from
The conflicts in
Many young Europeans were trained in the use of arms, explosives, and toxic substances in training camps situated in
Nevertheless, “The presence of Afghan guerrillas in the border is enough to prove that the Pakistani military establishment refuses to leave its double game” the Pakistani governmental organizations try to deny the existence of these facilities, alleging that the country, a friend of the
However, the liberation a few days ago of Maulana Sufi Mohammed, the former director of the radical movement, , that fought together with the Taliban in the war in 2001, is a reminder that Pakistan has been (and continues being?) the springboard of the group led by Bin Laden.
The presence of Afghan guerrillas in the border is enough to prove that the Pakistani military establishment refuses to leave its double game. The game consists of ingratiating the emissaries of
“What doubt remains that the settlers of this mountainous country feel closer to their Saudi brothers than to their American cousins”
European experts consider that jihadists trained in
Other member states of the E.U., like
In summary, Al Qaeda’s check on
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