Deficits and the Chinese Challenge
Even though America’s increasing economic vulnerability to China is widely acknowledged, policymakers and experts continue to underestimate the full ramifications of this relationship, says Karabell.
Zachary Karabell
The dollar’s sharp drop over the past few weeks has led to considerable anxiety about the status of the US as the dominant force in the global economy. Closely related to this fear is worry about the rise of China, which is the largest creditor to a heavily indebted US government. Noting that debt can become a real liability for a superpower, Karabell recalls what happened to postwar Britain. Having supported the British for decades and become its banker and manufacturer during two wars, the US fully supplanted the British Empire at the end of World War II. By 2030–if not sooner–China is likely to surpass the US in the size of its economy. Trajectories can change, but the recent implosion of the American financial system has only accelerated China’s rise. To assume we will always be the dominant nation on the world stage is a recipe for becoming Britain.
Link to full text in primary source.
Opinion summaries provided by Opinion Source, an organization with which Safe Democracy is associated
Published by:
Hotel in Munster
date: 04 | 04 | 2010
time: 11:27 pm
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myspace community
date: 01 | 08 | 2010
time: 3:28 am
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BTW – Im up to about 100 visitors per day.
i will put your site on my blogroll.
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Solange Pomainville
date: 12 | 08 | 2010
time: 3:39 pm
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I have heard a lot on this point, but it seems to me that your way are the best.I like the post very much.
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date: 13 | 08 | 2010
time: 12:43 am
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This is just typical in my opinion all parties except the BNP are enouraging terrorists. they should carpet bomb them flat. What about OUR rights?!?!