Off-topic comments - October 2008

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  • Published by:
    Joe Sachez

    date: 30 | 10 | 2008
    time: 9:44 pm

    Permanent Link

    Hi and hello from the UK where we are following the race to The White House with great interest.

    Bit of fun here, have you ever done this?

    Some people believe our lives are profoundly influenced by whatever pop song was #1 on the day we were born.

    On the day Barack Obama (August 4, 1961) was born Bobby Lewis was at #1 with ‘Tossin’ And Turnin’

    Obama shares his birthday with Louis Armstrong who had the 1968 UK No.1 single ‘What A Wonderful World.’ 

    On the day Sarah Palin was born, The Beatles were at #1 with ‘I Want To Hold Your Hand’.

    And on that day (Feb 11th 1964), The Beatles made their live concert debut in the US at the Washington Coliseum. Over 350 police surrounded the stage to keep the 8,000 plus screaming fans in control. One police officer who found the noise so loud, stuck a bullet in each ear as ear plugs.

    On the day John McCain was born (Aug 29th 1936), the pop charts hadn’t been invented. 

    My number #1’s are:
    ‘You’re So Vain’ by Carly Simon in the US
    ‘Long Haired Lover From Liverpool’ by Little Jimmy Osmond in the UK
    ‘Ben’ by Michael Jackson in Australia

    See which songs you get